Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)


self voting is good for a top 4 that has been nominated

Last game, Intensify was assassin and planned to stab themselves at night and claim gambler to get the saint executed. I wouldn’t doubt if Intensify convinced the Witch(or is the witch themselves) to target them.

If that’s the case I might bump him down a teir but the “only outsider claim” thing still stands

Wow, just breaking our whisper without telling me.

dude what i’ve been afk for like 12 minutes i thought you took the hint

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Could you compile a claim list and publicly post it?

Eli - Chef with 1
Wazza - [Redacted] (Idk if she wants me to say but I do know it)
Intensify - Barber
Marshal - Gambler
Marl - Fool
PKR - PhiloGambler
Night - Cult Leader
Pigeon - Sailor

These are all I know



Intensify(Died D1 Nominations via Witch)
Eli(Died D1 Eliminations via Execution)
Gorta(Died N2)
Wazza(Died N2)

@an_gorta_pratai @Wazza
Do you wish to claim?

Marshal not reading anything I posted sadness

Two things

  1. I was gonna do that last game considering that I could use it to my advantage (aka claim Gambler getting Pigeon killed). Right here, I claimed Barber… which I can’t really use to push anyone with if I were to be scum
  2. Witch curses during the night… you can’t coordinate during the night other than shout names for babysitting but like… that’s obviously not plausible for a consistent form of scum communication

/Whisper Can

Gimme ur claim Can ree

What was Cheese last game?

So we exe Canta? App claimed Politician I think

I am the exorcist

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I’m fine with Canta exe but I want his claim and his actions first

Preacher, he immediately DM’d me for claim because he n1’d me and it was ubervillagery

“App claimed politician”
