Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

He’s obviously town
there is your reason

intensify did an actually villagery thing owo

  1. they were killed by witch on N1
  2. they have non-stagnant reads and shares key aspects with the same gamestate view I have
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Intensify is lock town and I am his vessel
@Intensify Command me and I will do thine will

ill just vote to exe both of them and let other people care :joy_cat:

Kinda wolfy if they’re TvS ngl :eyes:

but you do you nighto

@Wazza are you openwoofing


seems like a hedge

but its not though

am i misunderstanding
how is voting for neither and letting other people goof not a hedge

youre using hedge as a wolf voting tactic and not as a wolf tonal slip

hedging your bets yes

like not betting your farm on scummate making it out of the vote alive
but also not sending them to the shadow realm

what’s the tonal slip hedge mean?

wolves who feel uncomfortable in thread or unassertive can make weaker reads
that’s what I thought it meant

I call the other one taking thread temperature but that’s probably also not what it means to most people

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/pardon Wazza
/execute pidgeon

theyre both fine wagons but I think that Pidgeon is the more likely wolf explicitly in V!Eli worlds
although cloned is stuff

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but we don’t live in VEli worlds

but we can afford to misclear wolves for right now as long as we don’t live in a world where 1. all dead are villagers and 2. we ml today

I’m just… kinda waiting for Cloned’s response right now.

See if Cloned can successfully make a good defense, I’m willing to let him go because I have this creeping feeling that my push is wrong, but I’m not sure where.

Honestly, I was hoping that someone would point a flaw within my wallpost since I wanted to resolve the creeping feeling that I was wrong but instead someone is now sheeping me

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we have 2 outsider claims, correct?