Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

I have someone I’m considering yolo’ing tonight and voting tomorrow but I want to run it by someone I trust.

Whisper @Wazza

I think Wazza is town unless they have planned out to pocket me this whole game. So… yeah

Mayor’s ability is a “maybe”
Meaning it’s completely up to Tan and Amelia whether he can die or his attack is bounced

Oh yeah. Okay you’re right, Tan and Amelia might kill clonedcheese because of that.

uh, no?

Let’s see if i can just resolve it here

Are noms still open?

Meh I just went with what Marshal said

No they closed



The nominations are me and you


I know, not the most reliable source

I mean in the instance that you are town, I still want you to provide some reads and thoughts, as your execution may very well prove you to be town for the most part.

I do not know what to think about that
I can’t find a reason why it would be wolfy though so it’s probably not worth

Let me give Cheese a quick ISO

If Cheese can gib gud thoughts, that’s another reason I could let him go, however I see no gud thoughts as of now nor reads.

Fun fact
I dont do reads

Cuz they have <20% success rate ._.

thats fair enough yes

Cheese has been talking mostly off-topic until being nominated (Trouble Brewing script, Marshal is gay), and then was not the assa kill target despite Mayor being better to intentionally kill than Preacher. He reacted very strangely to Wazza’s RT.

Ok give thoughts.