Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Also if people want to know my currently thought of targets…
I’mma be cruel and say they have a total (at this time) of 432 posts (I think)

There’s actually a specific person I would like to drunken right now.

I’m not gonna discuss who, but just trust me

I’d want to know? As if you want someone drunkened…
Then assumedly you’d also want them “confirmed” in some way by me potentially.


Just need them poisoned

I trust you with every fiber of my being

wazza gorta marshal?

nope, 6 posts off

Is this the power of wallpost?

/whisper cantaloupe
There’s something I have to say to them

Wazza = 212
Marshal = 194
Gorta = 20

For a total of 426

So nope

Meh target. If they end up being Minion, we lose a Townsfolk for confirming one dead evil player. If they’re town, we waste a night.

What’d gorta claim again?

Good target. It forms a masonry between PKR and Marshal, or exposes Marshal as a Minion.

no, I was just trying to find 3 players with a total of 432 posts

They weren’t suggesting me targets btw.
They were guessing based off my maths homework :3

Wait why does that specifically matter how much posts someone has rn?


welp looks like im dying
bye lol

It doesn’t.
I’m just cruel

You can say it here

b r u h

I’m already drunk, what more can another level of drunk hurt