Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Rewording: What do you want to say?

If you’re actually drunk, I’m going to end up dying.
So you’d better hope your ass that you’re not drunk

It’s actually private information. You can out it afterwards if you like

(If I end up going for you)

ok im bored ill stop trying to guess

marshal is like
probably a villager here ?
I guess ?
That might mean they’re just a wolf ?
tl;dr; I have taken in new info but my read hasn’t evolved at all B) B) B)

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I have only drunkposted in FM one time
don’t tell the government because technically I was underage

Oh you mean that kind of drunk.
That’s me in like multiple games.
I’d say an average of 8-9/10

/ITA @Mistyx

No thanks. I choose to not receive this information.

I am pocket immune



PKR ITA’d consensus town townleader mist in a game when he was drunk (as town)

it was funny

I do
Marshal doesn’t


Oh you’re talking about Wild [REDACTED]

That game doesn’t exist silly Marshal.

It was all a dream.

It can’t hurt us.

Look I might’ve been drunk that game.
But I did also genuinely believe Mist was town and I was doing the right thing.

Yeah, that’s right.


I get it, this script is based off America. Now put away the gun

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God fucking damnit.
I’m not drunk rn.

Just sleep depressed and a tiny bit tipsy

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if this script were truly based off of america everyone would be fool