Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

i have a crippling fear of lightning and thunder

just the word makes me shudder

I want a sincere answer

i’m gonna let you figure it out

Marshal is clearly the fool

Also Wazza is dead big sadge

Is this serious?

He’s clearly softing it.

Only a fool would post 3 cat pics


You and intelligence do not sit on the same sentence in one go.

no he’s softing boomdanddy


Then what was the whisper about

wazza i dont think my schtick is gonna work super well now

marshal please keep reaction testing me so I can bully you over it


What whisper?

I’ve seen a lot of kinks but wanting to be reactiontested is not one of them

Also Wazza wouldn’t claim to me.


I’m gonna assume they have a good reason for doing so

stop kinkshaming me

/whisper Intensify

coming back to these forums was a mistake.