Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

I may be young but I’m probably taller than you!

I’m a lil over 6 foot


She prefers the term “fun-sized.”

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Maybe don’t put it close to that!

I’m only fun-sized for you.

Arent you like

I don’t know I broke my measuring tape trying to see how tall I am lol

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…why are we only killing for clears?

By the time we get to 4/5 three of them will be scum

Which is

Killing me is like a clear/potential demon
Killing arctic is a clear
Marl is a clear

…this seems like a bad chain of wvents

who cares until we get to Final 3

I tried to sleep but then I kept thinking about the movie “The Belko Experiment” but couldn’t remember the name but really liked the movie so I had to check the internet

They need to make a sequel to that btw

ok back to sleep for me

I almost thought you were crazy until I remembered evils know each other

I need you to explain this

only if they knew my claim d1, which I think I only told Intensify and Wazza

get a well

Spy knows all players roles.

maybe I’m tired, but I forgot that as well

the fact that you called yourself a potential demon is just lol

I’mma have to stop you there chief.
Ya see, I’ve got something called investigation.
And by basically locking it in so (x) person is being nommed and executed, you’re making it out like I’m useless and that you don’t care about my results.

killing me isn’t a clear if i’m malfunctioning which idk if i am