Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Since there are 6 of us alive, we have to have a dead wolf or else it is game over.
So we know there are 1 or 2 alive. Best case scenario is 1. Worst is 2.

how would game be over with 3 wolves alive
you only need 3 votes to execute

Also, does anyone have a list of who nominated who D1?

Arctic (formerly Pigeon)

Arctic (formerly Pigeon)


Because if they quick voted, then it would mean that there cannot be any wagons with “more votes” and therefore it’d be game over? I think?

Do they just have to reach parity?

we probably have some super weird mech crap going on

we can hav edead town use their votes so no

I should’ve fucking stuck with my target that I discussed with Wazza yesterday but nope, they just had to convince me otherwise. I’m so mad.

Then worst case scenario is we have 3 alive wolves then

Cantaloupe is only wolf with Intensify which would be super ???
Apprentice is only wolf if theres a drunk in-game, I’ll go check the whisper logs but they haven’t been too villagery outside of that
PKR is town unless I’m drunk

Wait what?
Since when were you involved in me at all?

youre my only living neighbour and I’m not evil

pkr and canta are mech cleared for now
marl could be bad but does wolf really try to get killed d1 with a fool claim gambit? idk

so i want to kill apprentice or nightingale

Some fucking trippy things are going on here :\

I want to kill apprentice
for the same reasons

what does apprentice claim

Outsider Politician

apprentice claims polit

but he claimed it last game as well?

there’s already a barber so unless there’s a baron and someone else is a drunk then this isn’t true

There’s 2 outsiders in game.
Intensify claims 1 and Canta corroborates it.

The only way App can be scum is if there’s a drunk person