Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

cantaloupe so if he dies demon doesn’t get to swap 2 people

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we should make PKR nominate nightingale
if he doesn’t die to curse then it’s probably just PKR/nightingale
actually idk witch could be dead

fair enough
there’s like no downside so /shrug

if pkr doesn’t die then whatever
if pkr does die then :joy_cat:

curse? you mean witch? i thought that was eli

i mean
are we just assuming eli was 100% a minion and specifically witch

either way you look at it
2 minions are probably dead
so there’s a 2/3 chance witch is dead

why are 2 minions probably dead

If you are fucking mafia and trying to make them suspect me, then I’m going to be so mad.
Idk whether you are scum or town.

But pkr is sedated for now.
Had a bit of a drink

because there’s no room for two living minions unless marl or you are minions
unless you mean to suggest that me and app are teamed
which is
not actually infeasible
although it would be >finnicky to play out in the voting session

you say 2 minions are dead but you also aren’t shooting down the idea that you and PKR and w/w


no not evil CL
just minion


why can’t you and PKR both be minions

thats not unfeasible actually

I mean
socially I have done stuff while app hasn’t
on the other hand im not going to push myself here

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How is Apprentice related to this?

idk how useful this is, but if PKR is a minion then so is apprentice

for PKR to be minion marshal must be drunk, and if marshal is drunk then app isn’t politician so is also minion

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thinking about this
this would force me/pkr/app to all be evil which is very ??? given gamestate