Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

You physically cannot have only gone twice so


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I’m still gonna make the wallpost cuz it was gone be really good

Go get em tiger

Didn’t this literally happen to TBE in botf3

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this is why i was confused
i’ll ask but i think the n1 action may be the same as d1

What do you mean?

i re-read the classcard looking for actions and he submitted the nightingale action not actually as an action but as ‘I will choose Nightingale’ which is why i missed it


Sailor compulsively has to action and has had 3 times to action, he’s claiming 2 which is mech impossible

So… would night be delayed if they didn’t action?

If they absolutely refused to idk what would happen they have to

actions are:

n1 clonedcheese
d1 nightingale
d2 cantaloupe

i stg if we lose the game because pigeon decided to send in his actions like a poet rather than actually submitting a /action

Wait why would the N1 and D1 action be different?

wouldn’t it be n1 n2 n3

One one hand I coulddddddddddd

seeeeeeeeeeee it

on the other hand if arcitc is wolf I caught him with a reactiontest and I will live in infamy

night 1 → day 1 night 2 → day 2 → night 3 (last night) → day 3 (today)

sailor acts n1 and then acts during the day as well
it literally makes no sense
but yes