Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

/whisper Pigeon

Get in here.

Sailor acts N1

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/Whisper Night

Awaken NIGHT and let me whisper you

ok im breaking whisper early just to say fuck you

Big mood

o p e n y o u r e y e s
l o o k a t t h e s k i e s a n d s e e

bottom text

This town is controlled by a mayor, there’s no room for a queen.

breaking pigeon’s whisper with me.

/whisper Night

for when you’re done

I noticed it, it was just less subtle

hey wait Pigeon


Like, who doesn’t say is this the real life is this just fantasy

Preacher can also cause a malfunction.

Just for that, you’re gonna answer my next question…

Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?

Not the same and doesn’t affect Evil Townsfolk

Does it not affect an Evil Townsfolk?

Fandan-go away

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