Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Fucking bruh

Oh cuz then he actually Gambler lul

But he said he would be dead if he wasn’t Drunk, and you are only confirmed in worlds where he isn’t.

Marsh tried to gamble incorrectly and survived.
This means one of two things: 1. I’m Philo. 2. Marsh is drunk.

(There would be 3, but Pigeon eliminated the one possibility already)

For 2 to happen App or Canta and Intensify have to be lying.

So PKR and Marshal W/W or T/T noted

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Drunk means multiple things in this contexxt

Brain frying noises

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W/W who claim the same thing despite us assuming there to be a spy. And almost caused a d2 thunderdome

If PKR is Gambler → Philo, i’m “drunk” in the context that my ability does not work

If I am “Drunk” outsider, I think I am gambler but have no ability

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Should be the opposite way around.
But your point stands


if apprentice (or you) is evil that’s not ALWAYS the case

but one of you being evil and me being specifically the Drunk outsider is so pepega that I don’t really want to consider it but am anyways

If Arctic is for some forsaken reason good we have a 50% to also still get 2 executions


I’d prob argue it’s closer to 60/40 Arctic Lives vs. Arctic Dies If Good because with a theoretical 2 evils alive I think u give it to 'em but this has less credence because my kill makes rational sense with PKR’s gamble

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/whisper @Arctic

It would’ve been so much more pog
If we could’ve went into this day with 3 townies confirmed (or as close to confirmed as possible)

Tbh I kinda thought team was marshal/cheese/Arctic before this so I’m pretty glad he’s confirmed

Wait how is it Arctic again?

You’re welcome owo

Anyways here’s every possible group of a 3 man scumteam ever. Now we just gotta use what Mech info we have and slowly take each group for mechanical contrdictions

Beep boop END ME

Eli Jane Apprentice
Eli Jane Gorta
Eli Jane Marshal
Eli Jane Marl
Eli Jane PKR
Eli Jane Night
Eli Jane Cloned
Eli Jane Arc
Eli Apprentice Gorta
Eli Apprentice Marshal
Eli Apprentice Marl
Eli Apprentice PKR
Eli Apprentice Night
Eli Apprentice Cloned
Eli Apprentice Arc
Eli Gorta Marshal
Eli Gorta Marl
Eli Gorta PKR
Eli Gorta Night
Eli Gorta Cloned
Eli Gorta Arc
Eli Marshal Marl
Eli Marshal PKR
Eli Marshal Night
Eli Marshal Cloned
Eli Marshal Arc
Eli Marl PKR
Eli Marl Night
Eli Marl Cloned
Eli Marl Arc
Eli PKR Night
Eli PKR Cloned
Eli PKR Arc
Eli Night Cloned
Eli Night Arc
Eli Cloned Arc
Jane Apprentice Gorta
Jane Apprentice Marshal
Jane Apprentice Marl
Jane Apprentice PKR
Jane Apprentice Night
Jane Apprentice Cloned
Jane Apprentice Arc
Jane Gorta Marshal
Jane Gorta Marl
Jane Gorta PKR
Jane Gorta Night
Jane Gorta Cloned
Jane Gorta Arc
Jane Marshal Marl
Jane Marshal PKR
Jane Marshal Night
Jane Marshal Cloned
Jane Marshal Arc
Jane Marl PKR
Jane Marl Night
Jane Marl Cloned
Jane Marl Arc
Jane PKR Night
Jane PKR Cloned
Jane PKR Arc
Jane Night Cloned
Jane Night Arc
Jane Cloned Arc
Apprentice Gorta Marshal
Apprentice Gorta Marl
Apprentice Gorta PKR
Apprentice Gorta Night
Apprentice Gorta Cloned
Apprentice Gorta Arc
Apprentice Marshal Marl
Apprentice Marshal PKR
Apprentice Marshal Night
Apprentice Marshal Cloned
Apprentice Marshal Arc
Apprentice Marl PKR
Apprentice Marl Night
Apprentice Marl Cloned
Apprentice Marl Arc
Apprentice PKR Night
Apprentice PKR Cloned
Apprentice PKR Arc
Apprentice Night Cloned
Apprentice Night Arc
Apprentice Cloned Arc
Gorta Marshal Marl
Gorta Marshal PKR
Gorta Marshal Night
Gorta Marshal Cloned
Gorta Marshal Arc
Gorta Marl PKR
Gorta Marl Night
Gorta Marl Cloned
Gorta Marl Arc
Gorta PKR Night
Gorta PKR Cloned
Gorta PKR Arc
Gorta Night Cloned
Gorta Night Arc
Gorta Cloned Arc
Marshal Marl PKR
Marshal Marl Night
Marshal Marl Cloned
Marshal Marl Arc
Marshal PKR Night
Marshal PKR Cloned
Marshal PKR Arc
Marshal Night Cloned
Marshal Night Arc
Marshal Cloned Arc
Marl PKR Night
Marl PKR Cloned
Marl PKR Arc
Marl Night Cloned
Marl Night Arc
Marl Cloned Arc
PKR Night Cloned
PKR Night Arc
PKR Cloned Arc
Night Cloned Arc

I still townread them. I’m not opposed to IC’ing them though.