Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Come on, give me 2 mins

what can there even be

I feel like PKR is trying to make me look partnered with him lmao

which would actually further suggest app as sitter

eh maybe im getting to caught up in the app/pkr hype train

but like

what secret could it possibly be
all mech is outted

Marshal now.
You need to know this, honestly.

I want an idea of what the whisper will be

It feels like you’re trying to set myself up as a partner to you

I see no incentive

Important information.
Maybe game winning.

look me in the eyes and tell me this is a real claim

and it has to go to me specifically because…?

Because I trust you :slight_smile:
Remember, you’re the gambler and I’m philosopher you

apprentice likely claimed this as a meme again, and then once PKR told him / he figured out marshal was drunk since PKR’s claim worked, he could stick with 2nd outsider claim

/accept pkr

have a good reason or your ass is grass

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hello scummate

There we go, you’re welcome Marshal :purple_heart:

that was an extreme waste of my time

my guy are you fucking lolcatting

what was it

he just wanted to annoy you

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i mean yes he is
he’s gone into antispew trying to wifom who has the monster