Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Fuck, I meant to swap Night and Arc.
I’m tired.

Night or App…

See we said we would kill App next after Cloned’s execution.

I think it’s more possible scum trust Night with it

Good. So we’re voting Night here.
Then Arctic if wrong.

Because Arc keeps trying to push a false narrative on App

no I don’t believe it’s Arctic

I feel like you two are just T/T at this point.

It can’t be night/app mechanically

You cannot be being fucking serious rn.
You’re kidding me, right?

^ i think this post might have been slightly serious but lol

oh look
you don’t want to nom because you don’t want to prove witch is dead

he also then started lolcatting in marshal’s whisper i think? or just trying to annoy me


Oh yeah wait why again?

intensify even if you think me and PKR are t/t then you still kill app out of night

in what world would night be holding over app
when app is ‘confirmed’ as 2nd outsider

Well actually I think it’s theoretically possible in a world where some rando is the drunk and not me

Eh screw it.

Can we just go witch testing then?

If there’s no witch, PKR is 100% cleared

Wait no… I mean if there’s a Witch I think…

other way round

Wait nvm my mind is jumbled

Why are you still defending Night?
Look, if Intensify is right then we might both be town.

So let’s just get to discussing with transparency and patience.

Welp, y’all want to witch test or not?

If PKR and Arctic are T/T

Then PKR - Philo
Me - Gambler
App - Outsider (or app is lying and someone else is the drunk, let’s just say gorta for the memes)

And then it’s Night solo?? but then pepega