Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

App why are you so mad if you’re Politician? Isn’t this great for you?

because I don’t think I’m the main reason scum is going to win so I have to try to win with town

I’m literally not fucking openwolfing.
I’m pissed off because we’re going to lose and Arctic is just chill

PKR has not openwolfed afaik

and can you like actually have a conversation, like what can I do to convince you I’m town

he has openwolfed and lolcatted

no he fucking hasn’t you piece of shit

He did earlier yes

He actually did

Then show me where

He is outed from my whispers with him
If you’re town he fucked you, but yes pkr IS a wolf.

if PKR is town then this is the biggest :joy_cat: on this site’s history

I’m so fucking done with yall.
If nobody else is nominated, I’ll be self nomming at end of nomination phase.

This is my solve

none of that is openwolfing it’s just joking around

Except he open wolfed in my whispers lol

dw I’m just posting my classcard and leaving site if I can’t convince people I’m done with this

No, I didn’t. Literally didn’t openwolf.
I was saying to fucking listen to me but nooooo.
Why would you let me explain your own misinterpretation.

I complained in thread about you misinterpreting it

If you’re not town, then you win.
But I’m so fucking sure you’re town that I’m unwilling to entertain the thought.
