Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

I’m probably going to save in case of emergency but I think we should throw 1-2 ghostvotes at whysper just in case

Or… Or nobody could vote.

We could just novote.
And then move to tomorrow

so it’s a 50 50 which one of you two has the monster? yeah, no thanks

You forget that people can pick town members to have the monsta

they’re informed if you do

Well, your point is what?

…what was yours

Who knows?
Just novote and find out

thank you lolcatkidryan

I’m just enjoying this foolishness.
You and me both know the other is the opposite faction.
So why shouldn’t I joke around with you?

I made my true feelings clear earlier.

I would rather save it though

There’s no need to worry, you’re doing the right thing.

I’m incredibly cautious about spending my ghost vote now though

gorta are you aware that saving your ghost vote doesn’t matter
the game ends today

either apprentice is real saint (Which fmpov is basically impossible at this point) and we lose
or they are babysitter and we win

in all worlds where app is wolf he is holding

I’m just scared

anyway, I’ll probably decide by the time I get done with anime and if not then by the morning

slip 100

you just TMI’d me as town
if you’re town then how come we can’t both be town

You’ve basically said we’re not.
So I’ll no longer bother trying to entertain the fact either.

If you are town, we’re gonna talk about this post game.

Also you’re the biggest hypocrite ever. You’ve done the same thing multiple times.