Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

am i still needed to claim

Or about to get me executed falsely and that makes me fucking mad.

I think we vote Eli and when they’re next around they confess the fucking truth.
(If they get back before EoD, then that’s good and we can let them talk then. If not, then they’re fucking lying, so need to die)

If they still say they’re the Philosopher tomorrow then I’ll happily be the sacrifice the coming day.
Because I’ll know then that we’ve gotten a 100% scum out.
I’ll take being 1-for-1’d if it helps further our goals

No, noms are over, so although it would be best for you to publicly claim, you certainly don’t have to

I am here to help bop Eli

But cloendcheese, do not snapvote exe or pard on Eli until he actually gets on this thread

can someone post who has claimed and who hasn’t?

study for physics test

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yes go study looser


Eli - Philosopher > Chef (according to Intensify)
Wazza - ???
cantaloupe - ???
Apprentice - ???
an_gorta_pratai - ???
Intensify - Barber - KILLED BY WITCH
Marshal - Gambler
Marluxion - Fool
PKR - Philosopher > Gambler
Nightingale - ???
clonedcheese - I know their claim but I will keep it private
thepigeonnyc - Sailor

I think they claimed CL?

oh nice I’m Politician you can add that


Eli - Philosopher > Chef (according to Intensify)
Wazza - ???
cantaloupe - ???
Apprentice - Politician
an_gorta_pratai - ???
Intensify - Barber - KILLED BY WITCH
Marshal - Gambler
Marluxion - Fool
PKR - Philosopher > Gambler
Nightingale - CL?
clonedcheese - I know their claim but I will keep it private
thepigeonnyc - Sailor

Did you actually roll Politician again?

I didn’t roll Politician last time I was Barber

imagine not becoming a Politican

philosopher > politician is the true play
bait the actual politician that into gt’ing then losing, and get evil 2 extra minions :joy_cat:


You should’ve claimed Chef like me and then have evils get lucky and get you killed ;-;

I’m tempted to execute Eli since they’re the most likely candidate to curse me as Witch

Imagine being politician and just gamethrowing all game and then learning someone in f3 is philo → politican and so you’re just good and have to try

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like fr it’s amazing

and combined with BH can completely break the setup and have like d1 parity but let’s ignore that