Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

You’re dead why do you have a phone

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its because atheists can telephone people after they die

bonks Stop talking btw



My phone go brrr too

I mean it actually does when I put it on vibrate and someone calls me



Time for the more important part

Tan finished counting the day’s votes. “Well, folks, looks like Eli’s the man of the hour.”

Eli sighed deeply. “And here, I hoped the party could last just a little longer.”

“No need to be so down, Eli, we’re gonna send you off in style!” Tan raised her glass. “A toast!”

Eli raised his glass as well, but as he did so, the floor creaked, his only warning before two floorboards under his feet gave way and he dropped feet-first into a narrow gap in the floor. Before anyone could respond, the gap erupted in a gout of flame.

Tan cackled maniacally as Eli’s ghost drifted up from beneath the floor.

“It’s not that funny, Tan.”

“Of course it is. You uncultured rabble just don’t appreciate irony.”

Eli has been executed, and Day 1 ends. Please submit actions for Night 2, if you have any.


After last night’s debacle at the tavern, the townsfolk were on edge, knowing that a demon hid among them. They gathered in the town square to begin another day of deliberation under the watchful eyes of Tan and Amelia.

When they arrived at the square, however, they noticed a most conspicuous absence.

“No, folks, I don’t know where Tan is! She’s just been… gone since last night!” Amelia tried to keep the crowd calm.

“Wait, does that mean the demon is gone? Tan herself said she only shows up when there’s a demon around!”

“I hate to break it to you, but we’ve still got bodies dropping.” Gorta and Wazza floated their way into the square, fashionably late as the ghosts of the recently slain town members usually were. But still, Tan was nowhere to be found.

“Uh… I guess we just go ahead and start? I’ve got this. And I doubt Tan just ditched on us.” Amelia signaled for the start of the next round of discussion.

Gorta and Wazza have both died in the night! Day 2 shall now begin! Nominations open at 2021-02-21T02:30:00Z.

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NAI pingus, come forth!



(You were watching already marl, I see)


that makes my role useless

what a time to be alive

I can explain later

making your role useless is, indeed, a thing that dying does

it’s breakfast time, the most important meal of the day

Marshal isn’t dead so that confirms PKR as Philo probably

we solve today off the assumption that eli is villager
wcs is that we incorrectly clear the wolves off of this and ML today, but only if we have a wolf dead

if we solve off the assumption that eli is wolf then wcs is we incorrectly clear the wolves and end up double-ML’ing

the double kill is probably from assa, right


I gambled myself as politician and am still very much here

That could be for a few reasons and not just PKR but it doesn’t, like, not confirm PKR