Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

/whisper @Wazza


What now? :roll_eyes:

You did what I asked, right?

Let me guess.
All of a sudden you’re the BH or Investigator with some sort of “vital information” right? :\

You told me not to die.
So I double checked with Tan and Amelia what I needed to self guess as to not die, and it was Philo.
If I had done gambler like you originally said for me to, then I’d have died.
But since you said at the same time I should do that to survive… then I thought you wanted me alive and to pick the correct thing

well shit, there goes my info.

damn, oh well,

You’re confirmed not N2 Demon/Minion anyway.

Did you fucking seriously try to get me to suicide but also try to make it out like you were helping me?

I wanted to confirm you.

If you died, I could’ve confirmed you.

I am not impressed.

Also, if I had died, then we could’ve lost today if Tan/Amelia haven’t killed off a minion like I think they must’ve. I’m still fairly sure, game state wise, that we have to have 1 dead scum


either way

I still got more info.

(we can still kill the demon with dead votes even if scum has parity)

True I guess, but, we’d have 1 shot at it.
And if we fail then gg.
As we’d have wasted our votes

Confirmed Not Minion->Demon N2


/whisper @thepigeonnyc

Why they are confirmed not Minion->Demon N2

Apprentice - Confirmed by Gorta (Who is Minion/Townsfolk/Outsider)
Gorta - Died lol
PKR - Confirmed by Wazza (Who is Townsfolk/Outsider/Minion)
Wazza - Died lol

Sadge dead noises

Also accept my whisper reee

whisper me again I’m lazy

B r u h

/Whisper Wazza