Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Oh don’t worry.

It’s gonna be too obvious if I try the same thing again lol.

Good for you I’m town

You know what, /accept

I’m still scared

Hey guys Pigeon claimed Drunk into Sailor in whis-

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/Whisper Night

Night is dead.


Big sadge

Who is here lemme whisper

i have returned
i was the priest and targetted marshal n1
hope that explains my “scummy behavior” can :stuck_out_tongue:

Since Town is tree’d

Let’s discuss how we can improve the original Trouble Brewing Script

Last game or this game

what the fuck is this

The script for trouble brewing

last game
i have yet to whisper marshal this game

Here you go

i think the above image counts as libel

Okay nevermind that link failed

You’ve posted the Trouble Brewing script. Why… Why have you posted the Trouble Brewing script?

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To show them the trouble brewing script duh

is that the actual trouble brewing script

Yeah it is?