Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

You folks know what’s crazy?

Nomination phase is nearly half over, and no one’s nominated anyone. That’s crazy.

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someone nominate idk

pancake @EliThePsycho

I give up with this dumb RT as Evil Investigator.

I probably shouldn’t
witch exists and they probably chose me lol

you kinda didn’t know how BH worked in the first place so that was a dead giveaway lol

/nominate clonedcheese @Tangeld @Amelia


I did know, I even outed it to Marshal how it actually worked.

I just lied to you to see if you would catch on.

Marshal has nominated Clonedcheese! Marshal, your accusation?

tan finna kill me

oh sweet

You know, they always ask “what’s your accusation”, and i think it’s unfair

What’s YOUR accusation tan? Why have you all trapped us in this shitty town with a bunch of people who want to stab us? What’s up with that?

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I actually wanna hear this lol

my real thing is:

intensify’s thing makes vague sense,

if nobody else is gonna then im gonna

and cheese hasn’t really played like last game so im fine nomming it

Is… Is that your accusation?

Is that your accusation? Is it? Huh? Huh? how does it feel story lady

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…Anyway; Cheese, your defense?

Ive kinda explained why it doesnt make sense

Which boils down to “why the hell would they knowingly go for a mayor at night”

As for lack of aggressiveness im kinda tied up w/ robotics and i have no clue what’s happening

Want to nom app cuz politician bad
But scared of witch

This is an incorrect use of a semicolon

/nominate @Wazza @Tangeld @Amelia