Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)


PKR can only be wolf if marshal is so they’re probably not getting executed unless that looks likely
we’re clearing Eli for today and today alone
Gorta probably doesn’t get assa’d N1 as wolf

I fidn the second option more likely than this being on purpose

Since i still believe that exorcist is the optimal kill

time to chainsaw-defend cloned B) B) B)

join us and bus cloned

oops too late me and cloned have already put work into to coordinate the pidgeon push in whispers
it would look awkward if I suddenly bailed :flushed:

Iam thinking that instensify the scum could have had this prepared to kill off the mayor -

reject cheese
return to based

Ok i wasnt done

I ruled out framing cause in order to frame you, they would have to rely on a townie having this specific course and set of thoughts and logic to get here, which is… well a dumb plan that’s likely to fail.

I do consider Assassin playing unoptimally, but that’s sorta a bad argument in all honesty.

That’s an argument that can be abused for a lot of things so I’d always assume Assassin plays optimally.

Of course, if you have reads or thoughts on things, feel free to share them.

Two things:

  1. I’m dead from Witch out of all things (Witch doesn’t curse their own scummate night 1 in hopes they do a big brain play that’s stupid)
  2. I’m an Outsider… which mechanically confirms me with App being the Politician.

What i wanted to write
Basically i dont agree that mayor is the optimal kill, so attacking me in this way seems scummy
But if killing the mayor is indeed the “best play”, then scum just screwed up :stuck_out_tongue:

more seriously
I acknowledge the case on cloned and I’m not going to call votes away
but I feel more comfortable personally on pidgeon
the most recent time this happened it was w/v

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Ok then lol
I still dont agree that mayor kill is optimal lol
So your attack just seems to crumble

we also get to 50% chance lock pidgeon town
and that would honestly make the game so much easier

Can someone other than intensify explain to me why a mayor kill is better than someone that can litterally give a 50/50 of the demon dying if they work

how’s that work
what clears em

If they die
They aint demon

if we execute them and they don’t die then they’re cleared

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I literally explained why Mayor was most optimal.

The worst Exorcist and Preacher could do in a game with Witch, Assassin and Spy was to stop Witch’s ability, which while bad isn’t as bad as a character that can literally win the game by no executing on F3 and can intentionally dodge attacks, something Assassin would probably go crazy over trying to kill.

Your execution not resulting in a gameover can also resolve you as 90% town I believe, as you would be the most likely target to be babysitting the lil monsta and therefore the game not ending with your execution means you’re not scum for the most part. which if that’s the case you’re free to make any thoughts or reads without being afraid to be called scum or scummy

but if they dont die they could be sailor