Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

When did I say that



It is of course impossible to be proud of any child that is not your own biologically

Why the hell are you proud of a child that murderered you two

And further proof you didn’t read the OP because tan was already dead long before this

You still misgendered me and even catapulted me!

Now I’m out here getting dragged into a game >:(

Ok but you specifically died to them


You will not.

Find the OP.

On an audiobook service. Stop trying.

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And why can I not be proud of being turned into human waffles

We’ve all been long dead, we’re just ghosts becoming more ghostified.

You have wierd kinks and desires ok then

(You got burned at the stake, and then hanged. Never catapulted.)

Wazza gets burned and then hanged?

Bruh this lil demon child is overkill

When did I ever say I was :flushed: involving that


: |

Oh yeah are we gonna ignore how Tan was like high on drugs or something like a day ago and then Amelia took Tan somewhere private and now Tan is fine, we never got an answer for what happened there

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Oh yeah, it was Italy who got catapulted, I think.

Either way, you bully your little sis and that upsets me:(

Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers for.

“…splash.” happened

Wierd people

There will be no more splash. Splash has been dealt with.

Also, Intensify, pride is different from sexual gratification.

Now then, time for- son of a bitch, Amelia, we missed our flight to the Falkland Islands. I guess no waffles for anyone now. Are you all happy? Just… go find the Demon.


Anyway, to change the subject.

Intensify is probably Town but not locktown.