Buff Paladin smite to at least N3

I’m aware that the nerf was suggested by Solic and though I agree smite is a very strong ability now, the chance of it actually pulling off is ridiculously small (about 2/15th’s of it actually working N1). With only 2 uses and it being activate after N4, it’d be damn near surprising if any paladin will be alive to use Smite on N5 & N7, assuming there was no failed converts of course.

Going off the scenario that there has been no failed converts, moving the active night to at least N3 gives the reasonableness that cult still has 3 total members and losing one won’t be too catastrophic to the faction while also giving paladins the ability to defend themselves and others mid-game as opposed to late game.

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You mean



Yea I was going to say…

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Hey nuke

Let’s nerf it to 7 days


Make it 8 and you have a deal.


Don’t forgot

Let it kill princes if it targets them


Tbh n4 is fine. I wouldn’t care if it was n3, but no point bothering really.


I got it! Lets make it insta kill all BD!


And be compulsively used N1.


Instead of killing cult leaders

Make it convert two random people

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I forgot everything is a bad suggestion unless it’s yours in this forum

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It’s kinda my thing.

Agree. I’ve been against N1 Smiting due to its swingy-ness for quite a while, but pushing it back to N4 was overkill.

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Yeah, I usually used to smite N1 and N3, as those would be the days where ideally, the Cult would be converting. Making it N4 almost nerfs Smite to a point where you’re usually not using it until you kill one of the Cult.


Just gonna say Smite isn’t for yoloing. It’s for careful usage to protect trust and kill Cult, if used well.


The problem with yolosmiting n1 was that it was too much of a high-reward gambit if BD was lucky. Preventing a convert AND killing the CL would cause the Cult to be reduced to a single player by the second day.

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You can still Smite n4 if two kills happened n3. This prevents the yolosmites n1 that take no skill and potentially cripple the cult and is way too swingy, which I think we all want This still holds true in my opinion on the second attempted convert and with the current nerf it will be useable about 50% of the time on the second attempted convert. Cult leader can get occupied, jailed, hit a jailed target, hit a convert immune, hit the NK’s kill target and be delayed to n4. The kill/convert cycle is really easy to read, so smite n4 will still be a thing.

For the record, this was not my favourite way of fixing Smite, but I am glad it has been fixed.

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I think n3 makes sesnse, because if u find cult at n1 or n2 u can smite n3 and avoid getting converted into the bad shape you put the cult in.

Yeah I know u can wishper the prince/king but somtimes its not good enough.

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