Butler/Servant Rework

It seems almost everyone agrees that generally Drunk is an upgrade to Butler. As long as Drunk exists, pure occupation will always be less. Inspired by Nuclear Burrito’s Steward suggestion a while ago, I came up with this:

(also an excuse to get rid of Butler occupation immunity notifications)


Blue Dragon Offensive

Passive: Dutiful: Immune to occupation and redirection.

Day Ability: Nightshade Wine: Poison the king without their knowledge, they will die tonight unless healed. You will commit suicide if you kill a Good King. 1 use.

Night Ability: Lead: Force someone to target another person. You cannot make them target you or themselves. Unlimited uses.

Night Ability: Concentrated Wine: Occupy everyone who would visit you, bypasses immunity. 2 uses.


Unseen Offensive

Passive: Dutiful: Immune to occupation and redirection.

Night Ability: Lead: Force someone to target another person. You cannot make them target you or themselves. Unlimited uses.

Night Ability: Concentrated Wine: Occupy everyone who would visit you, bypasses immunity. 2 uses.

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Make sure its clear you can’t make them target you or themselves.

Otherwise while I which we could keep direct occupation this is probably for the best

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I guess classes like poacher still have it

Nuke you beat me to this :frowning: I want to be the star of all forums

I beat you to everything

Except arguing

You will never beat me

I beg to differ

I beg to not beg to differ

Begging is for

Please stop derailing the thread. Go to some off-topic thread.

This is for debating this rework.


I am not derailing it

:ice_cream: GET UR ICECREAM


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This is an interesting ability but it doesn’t match a butler, I would give another class this tbh

Edit: I think I’m just not feeling the name maybe name it something like lure wine?


The truth is that Serve Wine is just a weaker debauch. This makes Drunk a better Butler. So this is a way Butler can do something a Drunk can’t do better.

The distractor? New class

Can you make him target the king?


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I serve better ice-cream since I’m a servant


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Tbh I don’t like how Wine based the ability names are.

It’s just personal drama from my life, but I’d prefer a different name.

Besides, Butlers don’t only “Serve Wine”

Yeah that’s true, I mean you could name it anything else though I was just giving an example.

Basically making butler an invoker, I think occupation is stronger than this occupation can block assasins and reapers and this will direct them to a different person. (Different argument if you think occupation will hurt the bd) but occupation is stronger than redirection to NOT YOURSELF. Because if you can target yourself, then you are occupying them and investigating them to see if they are a killer class that was attacking.

The problem is that Debauch tops Serve Wine in every way. While occupation is useful, it is worse than debauch.

With this new main focus, Butler can differentiate himself from Drunk and be useful in a different way.

Lead allows you to observe kills if you direct an Assassin to someone and they get killed.

Also, redirection is almost always better for BD than occupation. If you occupy a Physician, you lose that heal. But if you redirect it, the heal can still be useful.

Tbh this rework is mostly to make Butler different than Drunk, but it would also be a buff over occupation.

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