Candlelight Deadchat

My class was literally me irl

All lone wolves

A citizen?

Yeah pkr and hippo are not going to win this

Arete, mislynch Hippo! I created the perfect setup for you!

Well if hippo healed me it would have confirmed us and we’d of won

Human lul.

Well, you’re also an American citizen and you were a citizen, so…

…… They done fuck up now

Why does Eevee right like a comic book villian

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I like how arete is trying to get sulit to claim mason

good luck proving that

Eevee is a calculating eastern-European (computer) scientist

That checks all the boxes for comic book villain


Also lul at arete calling the masons fake

“technically the phone addict could be evil”

like yeah right lmao

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Beast of Technology wheeze

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alright im done looking at this game, it’s over as soon as pkr dies

i bid you all adieu

Pkr is death immune.

Keep looking