Candlelight Deadchat

how does he die?

At light-gone-time if he shoots a scum

so it is over, arete blocked lynch on evil today didnā€™t they

They will

But pkr can shoot them afterwards

then sulit wins as last wolf.

Sulit is town

Arete: ā€œeevee and Kyle werenā€™t masonsā€

Also arete: ā€œhey which one of you were kyles masonā€

oh itā€™s 3 wolves?

I guess probably most people arenā€™t dumb enough to fakeclaim Masons as neighbors with a wolf

then again didnā€™t Kyle basically do that in JoJo?

Actually I claimed lovers, eevee claimed masons

Yup. Arete/Squid/Jake

So does PKR die when killing a town?

no sir no he does not

pkr lost his death immunity last night
so if they quick lynch hippo arete can kill and secure victory

I think either that happens or they let time run out and pkr hopefully gets a snipe.

Arenā€™t people afraid of killing PKR though because he softed bomber

k so lemme get this right

arete - wolf - removes 2 townie votes

eevee - kyles mason

pkr - kills after candlelight

hippo - healer

sulit - vt

yeah okay sure he is

I think heā€™s more of a blind town

yeah honestly i think the best world is one where they let time out and then pkr yeets everyone in existence

Think eevee has Arete caught.

Hippoā€¦ youā€™reā€¦ notā€¦ lock-town

You didnā€™t heal anyone. You didnā€™t heal either of my poison targets and you didnā€™t save anyone from getting nightkilled. Youā€™re in no way confirmed in any timeline