[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

[FM] Bastardized Camelot :european_castle::crossed_swords:

Critically acclaimed Bastard Mechanic Host, Celeste_Ludenberg has started the bastard to end all bastards… Camelot has risen, and soon it shall fall. For in the shadows, a faction of traitors await. None escape their sight for even Arthur is on their list.

This game is heavily bastardized and is not appropriate for children under three years old. You have been forewarned.


  1. You must abide by the https://forum.imperium42.com/t/global-forum-discord-game-meta-rules-please-read-first/244?u=celeste_ludenberg.
  2. Respect the Host, other players, and the mod-errors that the Host produces.
  3. No private messaging others in the game about the game.
  4. No screenshotting, quoting, or any direct means of posting host messages from your classcard direct messaging without approval from the Host.
  5. No gamethrowing. This includes any form of intent to make your faction lose. I don’t care if you try to suicide unless you are evil.
  6. Refrain from posting 1000+ messages per day phase & posting 5 messages in a row.
  7. No editing messages. Period.
  8. Players are not allowed to use BigBoi text nor Celeste’s gradient mod colors.
  9. You may not complain about how terrible the game is. It hurts my feelings ;(


You may be wondering… “How do I join this hellhole?”(Firekitten 17). Well, here is the problem. You can not join. Why? Because you are already in the game. Mention me with /join in bold, and you will be placed in the player list in under 24 hours!

If the player list is full and the sign-up stage still hasn’t finished, you can still sign up! The more slaves err… I mean people, YEAH people, the merrier the game and the salt that fuels my madness.


Days take up 3 Real-Life Days unless a lynch occurs. Night takes up 2 Real-Life Days.


Executions are signified by a /vote Player# with a mention of the host. Ex. /vote Player0 Celeste_Ludenberg If you vote with a player’s name, it will be counted.
Executions are instantaneous. No trial. A majority is needed for each execution. Easy game. Easy life.


Host: The one and only Gambler, @Celeste_Ludenberg! This is their Mod Color

Co-Host: The Maximus, Optimus, Primacus… @MaximusPrime! Ruler of legends! and slave keeper! They do have a mod color! Hurray!

Player List

  1. Pug (Pre-Sign Up) - Morgana
  2. Firekitten (Pre-Sign Up)
  3. Twil1ight
  4. PokemonKidRyan - Converted Herald
  5. NightX
  6. MtheJoker
  7. Sam17z
  8. Eevee
  9. Boss110
  10. Orangeandblack5
  11. Insanity
  12. htm - Converted?
  13. Marluxion
  14. Shurian
  15. PoisonedSquid - Knight-Errant
  16. psychoneirik
  17. CheesyKnives - Black Knight

Back-Up Players

Back-Up Players are players who were late to the extended sign-ups or only want to replace a player if they replace out mid-game.


  1. Hippolytus
  2. Whammerist
  3. Simon

Role List

Neutral Killer
King Arthur

Class Cards

:shield: = Unique

:tada: = Convert Immune




Camelotian Support
Knowledge of Plants (Passive) - Immune to nightshade and bleeding.
Teachings of Flowers (Day) - Teach a player how to heal themselves and others from attacks. They will receive a healing ability that can only heal nightshade and bleeding. - 1 uses
Nature’s Healing (Night) - Heal a player from attack, nightshade, or bleeding. If you successfully heal them from nightshade or bleeding, they will be immune to it for the rest of the game. - Infinite uses
Offset (Night) - Partially heal a player from nightshade or bleeding. The effects of the status will be delayed by two nights. - Infinite uses
Goal: Eliminate all whom wish to destroy the Kingdom of Camelot.


Guinevere :shield:

Camelotian Support
Queen’s Court (Passive) - Create a day chat with exclusive members. You will start as the only player in it. Immune to all Day Abilities other than Decide Fate.
Royalty (Passive) - You may step up before players without the Royalty passive.
Invitation (Day) - Add a player to your Queen’s Court day chat. They will be permanently added unless removed using Feudal Discussion - Infinite uses
Elusive Lock(Night) - Occupy all members of the Day Chat other than you. Bypasses occupation immunity. All players occupied from this ability will be protected from all negative effects including death. - 2 uses
Feudal Discussion (Night) - Remove a player from your Queen’s Court day chat.
Goal: Eliminate all whom wish to destroy the Kingdom of Camelot.



Camelotian Social
A Herald’s Premise (Passive) - Talk to a random member of the Round Table whom attended King Arthur’s meeting last night. The Knight will know whom you are but you will not know who they are.
Herald’s Decree (Day) - Speak for the masses. Your vote will count for three today. - 2 uses
Written Letter (Night) - The Target Player will be able to write a 200 character message that will be poster by the Host the next day. - Infinite uses
Blackmail (Night) - Blackmail a Player. They will not be able to vote the next day. They will not count towards majority.
Goal: Eliminate all whom wish to destroy the Kingdom of Camelot.



Camelotian Social
Hermitage (Passive) - Can talk to the dead.
Full Life (Day) - Target a player. They will publicly be immune to all day effects & votes needed to execute will be increased by one. - Infinite uses
Teachings of the Hermit(Night) - Occupy a player & all visitors will be unable to vote the following day. - 3 uses
Goal: Eliminate all whom wish to destroy the Kingdom of Camelot.

King Arthur

King Arthur :shield:

Camelotian Special
Perfect King (Passive) - Your votes will count as two. Additionally, every three days, a random Traitorous will be revealed privately to a random Neutral
Dedication (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Urgent Meeting (Day) - Call an urgent meeting for the Knights of the Round Table. All Players who are eligible will be able to participate in an anonymous night chat. - 2 uses
Decide Fate (Day) - Instantly lynch a player of your choice. If the player is a Camelotian or Neutral, you will lose your passives immediately and commit suicide publicly tommorow morning. - 1 use
Check Alliance (Night) - Force Target1 to check and see if Target2 is on their team. - 3 Uses Neutrals will appear as compatible no matter what. - Infinite uses
GOAL: Survive to see the execution of all whom wish destruction upon your Kingdom.

Lady Nimue

Lady Nimue :shield:

Camelotian Support
Bestow (Day) - Bestow a Sacred Sword upon a target player. Players who receive a Sacred Sword are given a use of DayVig. If this ability targets a Traitor, the Sacred Sword will become corrupted, giving the Traitor a DayVig ability in addition to a special night ability. If all Sacred Swords are used and not corrupted, the current King will receive a weapon called Excalibur which targets a random Traitor. - 4 uses
Foretell (Night) - See where a target player is going. This ability can target the King. - 2 uses
Goal: Survive to see Excalibur used.


Lancelot :shield:

Camelotian Killer
Knight of the Round Table (Passive) - Immune to occupation & is eligible to participate in meetings called by King Arthur.
Exilement (Passive) - The first player to vote for your execution will be occupied at the start of the next day phase. Resets each day.
Intimidate (Day) - Cause the next day ability to target you. - Infinite uses
Harassment (Night) - Cause a player to target you. You will not be immune to any attacks or conversions you redirect. - Infinite uses
Shameless Killling (Night) - Kill a player. - 2 uses
Goal: Eliminate all whom wish to destroy the Kingdom of Camelot.


Leondegrance :shield:

Camelotian Support
Knight of the Round Table (Passive) - Immune to occupation & is eligible to participate in meetings called by King Arthur.
Royalty (Passive) - You may step up before players without the Royalty passive.
Cup of Life (Day) - Target a player. They will be immune to attack for tonight. You may target yourself. If you target another player, they will not receive the notification.- 2 uses
Convoy (Night) - Target a player. If they were to receive a negative effect from a visit or a visitor, the effect will be redirected to you instead. They will not be notified of the redirection. - Infinite uses
Experienced Guard (Night) - Guard a player. All attacks on the player will be prevented. - Infinite uses
Goal: Eliminate all whom wish to destroy the Kingdom of Camelot.


Maelgwn :shield:

Camelotian Killer
Royalty (Passive) - You may step up before others without this passive.
Smoldering Heat (Day) - Extend the day phase by 24 Hours. - 3 uses
A wish upon the Grail (Day) - Only usable at the start of the day. Start an event for a random player to receive a wish upon the grail. The grail (Celeste) will grant this wish as long as it isn’t overpowered nor directly targeting classes directly. - 1 use
Dragonsblood (Night) - Attack a player. Players attacked will die at the end of the next day phase. If you kill a Neutral Support, Neutral Social, or a Camelotian, you will lose any remaining usages of the ability. - 2 uses
Usurpation (Night) - Occupy the King. This will bypass any immunities they may have. You may not use this on the starting King. One night cool-down. - Infinite uses
Goal: Eliminate all whom wish to destroy the Kingdom of Camelot.



Camelotian Offensive
Maiden in Distress (Passive) - If no one visits you, a random Knight of the Round Table will be forcibly redirected to you. Bypasses immunity.
Kidnapped (Day) - Find out a Knight of the Round Table at the start of the night. You will be unable to use Reward on anyone other than them for a night. - Infinite uses
Reward (Night) - Occupy a target player. This ability will bypass immunity. - Infinite uses
Goal: Eliminate all whom wish to destroy the Kingdom of Camelot.


Merlin :shield:

Camelotian Special
Mage’s Rites (Passive) - Immune to occupation and the first attack on your life will fail.
Activate Rite (Day) - Activate one of the rites you have created. If you have multiple created, you will be able to decide which one to use. You may target yourself. - Infinite uses
Rite of Sight (Night) - Create a minor spell that shields a target player from negative effects excluding death. Will activate the night Activate Rite is used. - 3 uses
Rite of Courage (Night) - Create a spell that gives a target player enough courage to publicly announce their class. Will activate the same day Activate Rite is used. - 2 uses
Rite of Resurrection (Night) - Create a spell that gives a dead target player a new chance at life. They will be publicly revived with their old class but with half as many uses. Will activate the day after Activate Rite is used. - 1 use
Goal: Eliminate all whom wish to destroy the Kingdom of Camelot.


The Minstrel

Camelotian Support
Musician’s Lute (Passive) - Immune to occupation but not redirection.
Concert (Day) - Empower all Player’s abilities. Killing abilities will bypass immunity, occupation will bypass occupation immunity, etc. for one night. You will also be publicly revealed as the Minstrel. - 1 use
Tale of the Bard (Night) - Empower a target player. They will receive an empowered ability according to their class. This ability is one-use. - Infinite uses
Goal: Eliminate all whom wish to destroy the Kingdom of Camelot.



Camelotian Investigative
Third Mind (Passive) - Your visits will be hidden and you will be prevented from visiting a player whom would return a prevented result, allowing you to change targets.
Forceful Prophecy (Day) - Force the moderator to privately answer a question about a mechanic in 3 words or less. - Infinite uses
Haunting Words (Day) - Force the moderator to publicly announce a player’s ability results. - 3 uses
Eyes of Fog (Night) - Target a player. You will know who visited them. - Infinite uses
Goal: Eliminate all whom wish to destroy the Kingdom of Camelot.


Provost :tada:

Royal Papers (Passive) - Immune to occupation.
Scrutiny (Day) - Investigate a player. If they are neutral, you will know. - 3 uses
Investigation (Night) - Investigate a player. If they are Neutral or Traitorous, they will come up as positive. However, if you visit a Killer class type, you will die. - Infinite uses
Eagle Sight (Night) - Look around a player’s room. You will be able to tell what their mindset is based off how they decorate their room. Does not count as visiting. - Infinite uses
Goal: Eliminate all whom wish to destroy the Kingdom of Camelot.


The Reeve :shield:

Camelotian Social
No work? No privacy. (Passive) You will receive a list of classes who have not done a night action at the end of each night.
Get back to Work (Day) - Force a player to use a Day Ability (if they have one) on a target or your choice. The ability will not expend a use. - Infinite uses
Oversight (Night) - Publicly announce the Reeve is watching. At the end of the day, the current King and you will receive a list of players who posted under 25-50 messages. A class type pair will be given to them. - 2 uses
Supervision (Night) - Talk to a player. A 200 character message from each party will be sent via the host. The target will only see that they are talking to the Reeve.
Goal: Eliminate all whom wish to destroy the Kingdom of Camelot.



Camelotian Investigative
Next Generation (Passive) - You survive the first attack on your life but a random Knight of the Round Table dies instead.
Pat-Down (Night) - You will see if they have any weapons on their person. You will be able to tell if they are a Killer. - Three uses
Snoop (Night) - Snoop in a Player’s quarters. You will be told flavor-text of a random passive they may have. - Infinite uses
Goal: Eliminate all whom wish to destroy the Kingdom of Camelot.



The Alchemist

Neutral Offensive
Alchemist’s Herbs (Passive) - Immune to nightshade and bleeding.
Drugged Potion (Day) - Randomly assign a player a random status(Nightshade, Bleeding, Night Immunity, etc.) the player will not be notified which was given. - Infinite uses
Stoneskin Potion (Day) - Drink a potion that causes your skin to turn harder than stone. All attacks will fail even if it bypasses night immunity.
Emerald Potion (Night) - Cause the player to not be able to talk during the day. If they give information, they will be mod-killed. - 3 uses
Infectious Touch (Night) - Cause a player to contract the Plague. They will die in two nights. - 2 uses
Survive to the end of the game.


Agravain :shield: :tada:

Neutral Killer
Obsession & Compulsion (Passive) - Immune to death, occupation, poison, bleeding and all negative ailments other than execution. You will instantly recognize(notified)who Mordred is when they appear.
Master of Mechanics (Passive) - You will receive the full list of class cards & what the bastard mechanic is for each of them.
Bastard Sensing (Day) - Instantly receive the name of the first person who activates a bastard mechanic today and what bastard mechanic was activated. This ability will not be refunded if no class-based bastard mechanic is initiated. - 3 uses
Half-Brother Meeting (Day) - You can call a meeting with Mordred tonight, allowing the two of you to converse privately. The host will make the chat. - 3 uses
Arrogant Slaying(Night) - Kill the target player. Players killed will not flip during the day phase but you will know what class they were and will receive their journal if they had one. Bypasses night immunity. - Infinite uses
Speedy Assassination (Night) - Kill the target player. You may also choose another player to occupy since you killed the other player quickly. Optionally, you may choose to kill two players instead. - 3 uses
Eliminate all those who oppose your reign over Camelot. You may spare Mordred.


The Lovers

Neutral Social
Love at first sight (Passive) - Two of this class will always spawn if one spawns.
Cupid’s Arrow (Day) - If both The Lovers use this ability on the same day, then they will be given a grouping of four which will contain their True Love. Usable after Day Three. - 1 Use
Love’s Wings (Night) - Make your True Love immune tonight. - 1 Use
True Love (Night) - Occupy a player. If they are also The Lovers then you win. Bypasses occupation immunity. - 2 uses
Goal: Survive with your True Love. If either of you die, you lose.



Neutral Support
Beloved Spirit (Passive) - Use Contract of a Spirit to bind yourself to another player. If your contract dies before Day Three, you will gain a usage of Contract of a Spirit to bind yourself to another player.
Contracted Spirit (Passive) - Once you are contracted, this passive will activate. You are immune to occupation, death, bleeding, and poison. You will be able to talk to them at day and night through a separate chat. If your contract dies, you will die.
Protection of a Spirit (Day) - Prevent all visits to your contract. - 3 uses
Reinforce (Day) - Recharge your target’s limited use abilities. All abilities will recharge by one. 1 Day cooldown. - Infinite uses
Contract of a Spirit (Night) - Contract a player. They will receive a notification that a spirit formed a contract with them and will protect them for the rest of the game. You must attempt to use this ability night one. - 1 use
Snooping as a Spirit (Night) - Find out what faction a target is a member of. You may not target your contract with this ability. - Infinite uses
Goal: Your contract wins the game.

Wandering Priest

The Wandering Priest :shield: :tada:

Neutral Investigative
The Bastard Cycle (Passive) - You acknowledge the fact that demons are the cause of the bastard mechanics of the game. An unknown amount of demons will spawn randomly spread out through the player base. Players with a demon residing in them will receive bastard mechanics of an unknown origin. You may target dead players with your abilities. You may not have any demons residing inside you.
Confession (Day) - Tell how how many demons reside in the player. The result will only be given to you. - Infinite uses
Unorthodox Methods (Day) - Perform a exorcism. A demon will be instantly released out of the bastard cycle. - Infinite
Transmorgify (Night) - Forcibly relocate demons from target 1 to the target 2. - Infinite uses
Devilsbane (Night) - Place Devilsbane on a player, keeping demons from relocating to that player and randomly spreading any demons inside them. - Three uses
Goal: Remove 75% of the demons that spawned in the game. You do not need to survive until the end of the game as long as you have completed your task.

Key Events

Class Card Changing Thread


Sign-Up Stage


Start of Day One



End of Day One (Confirmation Stage)


End of Night One




@Celeste_Ludenberg - The Gambler
Eevee - Leondegrance - Executed Day 1
Orange - Guinevere - Killed Night 1
PoisonedSquid - King Arthur - Suicide End of Night 1
Marluxion - King Mordred - Dayvigged Day 2


You may now sign up at your own discretion as the sign up stage has started.

Ooh yes fun. I’ll offer to co-host I guess
I wanna see people get trolled xD

1 Like


But yeah sure u can co host :wink:

cough Hippo may have ditched me when he saw how many bastard mechanics there were

Ay Twilight

TFW you can’t see the roles on mobile cause you’re using light mode. I use light mode on mobile and dark mode on PC idk why

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Let’s see here…

Lol Max xD I could probably take the time to change the colors but I dont really like having B:R:G

That’s a good sign btw

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It’s fine I’ll just switch to dark mode lol

1 Like

How do you do the shifting colors thing btw?

Somewhere in settings

Preferences - Interface - Theme - Dark

Should the players be concerned :thinking:

I mean mod color lul

Oh uhm u basically search up BBCode Gradiant :thinking:

Alright, thx!
Also I’m gonna go sleep now and wait for people to sign up

mfw Twilight is still deciding whether to join our band of trash :slightly_smiling_face: