[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

Lion, you evolve. Also just had a very successful concert, so I’m happy.

Congrats, while you were havingg a good concert, i was in a car total wreckage :thinking:

Oh. Sorry about that.

Anywaysssss I have to be doing something for the next 5 hours cuz im on coma watch :woman_shrugging: so might as well actually start thinking about games

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Holy shit, I hope you are okay

Tempted to show you a picture but also not tempted


@Marluxion My new car

What happened? Was it a head on collision?

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also oof

looked like a nice car.

Ye ye stupid n00bs rekt my car super super head on collision

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And now im paranoid :woman_shrugging:

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