[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot


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Don’t think she expected me to find that so quick lol.

@MaximusPrime I feel bad for these non-brits

lul i’m non brit

but I also taught you the classes :wink:

time to link every website that mentions black knight

I thinf that Traitor leader is son of Morgan Le Fey. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Way closer than anything ive heard of all day

shuts self up before I leak what its abilities are

I bet it must be awesome to be Traitor. To know the secret of the game.

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No idea if any of them are useful.


just look through them and tell us if they are.

P.S. If you havent figured it out yet, the Black Knight isnt in the court yet so you do not have to worry about it yet.

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Hell, it’s kinda obvious that Mordred is main scum leader.

Morgan Le Fay aka his supposed mother could work as well I guess.


so someone gets converted into the black knight?

:woman_shrugging: Who knows. Who knows.

The Black night is death immune btw. The second link is useful.

It is?