[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

Black night is going to appear as: fop

a man who is concerned with his clothes and appearance in an affected and excessive way; a dandy.

Sir Calogrenant summons the black knight.


I don’t remember much about Black Knight and am on phone rn.

It was that guy who killed own mother, cause she poisoned his father and then worked for Oberon?



What if Celeste or Max is the Black Knight?

Are you serious about any of the links being helpful?

It gives background on what this guy is. This will probs be true after this psycho dies.

Following his physical death, Sir Percy’s spirit resided within the Brazier of Truth within his castle. His spirit could be summoned as needed, and proved capable of purging the Ebony Blade of its “blood curse.” Percy has also possessed Dane Whitman upon occasion. It currently resides with the Astral Realm associated with the Ebony Blade, to which are banished the souls of those slain by the Blade. Percy struggles against the evil spirits within that realm, hoping to conquer the evil influence that affects those who hold the Blade.

Incaase you need to know about about this place


Yeah, I’m claiming camelot. I’m a castle, you all live inside me.


Google is fun.

Eevee has been shut in the dungeon. They will not be able to post nor talk for the rest of the game.

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guess he’s locked up. Cause tbh I can’t see anything else. If only there was a colorful ./s…

Im not making the /s rainbow my dood

Well guess he’s locked up.

Really rude celeste.

@eevee It was sarcasm by the way cuz of the /s l0l

You know those yolo moments…

I’m having one right now.

K back from yoloing.


Isn’t the dark night supposed to be pro- Arthur. Why is he poisoning / bleeding random people?