[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

All 20 mechanics are going to have a fun time in front of us.


I use my my magical staff to give us another hour huzzah!

Can i ask a question? is there any possibility that the Traitor could be a knight of the round table? :thinking:

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Could it be that there is no traitor, but the faction changes at night?

@Shurian tell us all the bastard mechanics

Didn’t we all get jester cards? Or am I the only one?


I don’t know. I only know how to remove those that cause such things. And I am helpless right now.

Remove the demons from me

So you’re a scum okay…
:notebook: :pen:


Been so for the last day

I choose what to do. Not you. And I am making Marl immune tonight. So I can “transfer” demons to Marl and they die because they cannot enter Marl.

If I immunify someone with demons, they get scattered through the masses, or that’s what Celeste said.

I like when someone said that voting for no lynch is supicious although noone wasn’t pushed up yet. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I still want the push on Shurian since i want to sign a contract with you :C

No keel me, me make things better for peeple. Don’t doom the other noot! D:

No don’t do it you blackmailer!

Me side with Twi!

He nice to me!

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/vote Durian