[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

L e t ’ s G o

She already rejected contract just scroll up, talking about my contract we will see about that.

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Vote PKR with me!!! ;’(

/Vote PKR
oke doke

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(At least no matter who Twi gets contracted to, I get to side by Twi)

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/vote PKR

At least Eevee is a nice guy. :slight_smile:

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What about me?
I’m a nice guy too :frowning:

Honestly I don’t even know why we’re voting you but…

If they’re going by the flow chart it honestly looks flawed.

Oh you’re indeed but it’s seems you got pushed because VFR is shit.

That’s fair enough.
Can we self vote to speed things along?
I hate RVS.

I just buss PKR for towncred d1


I’m going by my word, we don’t have evidence that PKR is a traitor and therefore I will not vote for him.

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/vote PKR

@Twil1ight would appreciate you contracting either Poisoned or myself

@eevee if you could have two lynches today, who would you lynch and in what order?

I feel as if this is what is happening



@Shurian use confession on me

Seriously tho. All classess except 2 are confirmable in a timespan of like 1 day/night.

I want to know as much as I can rn and do something about it.

And this something is lynching unconfirmable people out of them :^)

So you’d say only lynch one?

Despite the fact that hitting the Traitor or NK today is huge?