[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot


unleashes army of mice

digests mice.

u wOT M8

unleashes army of undigestable electric and carnivorous mice

Uno reverse

uh, i reverse it back

no u

i play draw 4 which counters you

I just got this message lol

Consider replying to more people

You’ve already replied 3 times to @CheesyKnives in this particular topic.

Have you considered replying to other people in the discussion, too? A great discussion involves many voices and perspectives.

If you’d like to continue your conversation with this particular user at length, send them a personal message.

ew talking with actual humans and not magical sentient cheeses



cough we still need more players


Ping everyone

So how do we get ANY USE OF THIS?

I of course will try to answer well in 3 messages or less :wink:

So you have to answer truthfully?

1 Like

You can phrase it as a Yes or No question, its really how th playe use it

Yes. Yes I do.

So who is the Neutral killing?

Who said u are the Oracle :thinking:

You did. You gave me the card.