[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

And when did you start to suspect him? I’m asking just for curiosity.

You darn now I win, but I have some info for you good sir.

I only win if the traitors die, I don’t exactly win with the town.

wait why can we talk to the dead?

Shame you can’t win then
I’m immune to execution. :man_shrugging:

Unless it doesn’t include me

you’ve active bastard mechanical marl, it’s either you and you neut ally or me alive

I’ll just be active for the part and be removing bastard mechanics… or at least the things that cause it.

You don’t want to die from a execute just because
(Oops, the executor’s axe’s head flew off the handle and onto Shurian!)

Like with me :confused:

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I just realised. You could convert King Arthur? There’s no party hat there. OnO

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Did you not read my rolecard? I’ve A l r e a d y W o n! What should I be afraid of? Entertain me, jester!

BTW, Since I’m no longer a traitor (as I now own this kingdom)

Conversion Immunity is a lie. You can still be converted through it. It’s just there to give you false hope, according to our host.


Uh oh. I shall be quietly backing into the corner.

You cannot convert a NEUT KILLER, can you? O.0

If you’re no longer a traitor, I can still win

So exe Pug and I win, I won’t even touch the NK.

lol I’m so sad I slept through this :frowning:


Explain thy self
