[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

i vow not to make such miniscule mod slips like celeste

(inb4 i make a massive mistake)

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(Dunt worri, we can cover the big mistakes as bastard mechanics)

yay :smiley:

inb4 i “accidentally” kill every- wait what

Btw check discord and say “Boom head shot” to a guy named Oncius :wink:

hmmmm wonder who it could be

what if i choose not to check it rn cause it could be a bastard mechanic xD

He knows too much

hey guys celeste just told me it’s ok for me to kill everyone d1 cause i am the traitor

ggez win

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/vote MaximusPrime


/kill htm

They were an Illuminati Ascetic Miller


@Margaret make me a backup please!


You need to play

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My dood sam u can join

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I want to be a backup. Instead of joining.

Sam no play

I riot Nah not voting marl




Riot :frowning:

Maximus is playing take your anger out on him

But sam… if you dont join… the game will never start…

No I take anger out on backups :wink:

I think if you change the title to say sign ups

It will attract more people

Pretty sure that’s how it works
