[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

I’m pretty sure I’ll stay loyal to my kingdom! (I hope)

No you won’t

We lynch you d2

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But now you are good

It was already confirmed Mr “Spamming My Class Card So I Can Try And Get The Mods To Modslip” .-.

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cough Sam

Well, pushing that aside, welcome to Camelot! I don’t know why I was put into such a powerful position despite me never actually ruling a Kingdom before, but eh, I’ll make it work.


Anyways, you can lynch today so have fun.

So we can’t?
Okay. :slight_smile:

So what you are saying is…

Overthrow the king?

I wouldn’t recommend that, you wouldn’t want a traitor to take my place now do you?


Okay I got a idea. Push at the people who know what they are doing so we know how to react to people pushing us!

/Vote Orange


/vote FireKitten

Whammerist is scum so vote him

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You suggesting I know what I am doing?

Dunno it’s a bastard game after all.

Vote teh orange :wink:

10 minutes I’ve been King and everything’s already falling apart 0-0

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Don’t worry my liege! It’s a just standard procedure when there is Kitten in game.