[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

chaos favors the town

*punching Marl through monitor

Hey Twilight, hey Shurian. Let’s sign peace treaty, I will be against any lynch on any of you (tho I still would rather like Twilight to contract townie, but whatever).

Here, take this as a tribute to our peace: /vote PKR
Vote of peace!

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I will only stop pushing Shurian if Twil1ght agrees to contract someone else.

Like Shurian has any choice whom Twilight will contract to.

You are giving the chance to side with a member of the traitorous faction, when he’ll be safer with me.

And when I claimed early, do you think I wouldn’t know that I wouldn’t realise that I will not meet such resistance?
I was and am prepared to help the town in any case necessary. After all, the people need their demons exorcised. I only want to be alive long enough to clear the demons. They can potentially hurt the town more than yours.

Now, there are two neutral claims. Spiritus claimed early as they would DIE if they don’t contract. Twil1ght wanted options. How can you doubt him?

Any other neut claims can be killed with fire. And if need be, Lynch me tomorrow.

I understand, but my existence will help the town more than the evils.
It’s up to Twil1ght. I don’t neccessarily need the spiritus to survive, since I outed myself now.

You’re not a risk to anyone, so nobody has a reason to night kill you. Protectives would be wasted on you

You don’t need a merc!

Since my target is on Marl tonight, where he has no demons, I can exorcise another person freely tomorrow.

(I should try to look at the others.)
(Have you heard of converting the person he’s gonna contract to? I have. I am convert immune OwO)

You’re already converted! All scum has to do to win you over is ask nicely!


Although generaly speaking if i was actually thinking about winning a game then most reasonable is to choose someone who have high chance to win so Shurian is not bad choice for me.

Yeah but you don’t prove yourself to us by contracting Shurian

@Shurian do something like moving demons from me to someone and then exorcise that person at day. This way you will be able to clean 2 people at once.

Noted with Thanks!

Now I shall leave. It is up to Twil1ght to choose.

Also. The Neut Killer may no longer claim Neut. See the service I done? :3

Again why would she lied about it? Is there actual reason to lie as non-harmful neutral?

It’s called fakeclaiming
aka what every single scum has to do

There is only one Traitor…

It’s impossible to both us lying about our role.

I need to point something out. Since Twil1ight claims to be a Spiritus, she can still be converted by the traitor and force to contract them instead.

If he’s dumb enough to convert outed neutral.
In ToL converting outed Merc is in like 90% bad idea.

We aren’t doubting just Shurian
We’re doubting BOTH Of you
Shurian has NO REASON to truthfully prove you and shurian can’t actually prove himself

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