[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

I swear to god if you fill me with demons i’ll be salty

As I repeat, Provost Use Day Ability to check me. Any Squires can check me later at night. This can confirm me as not an NK.

And no Bastard Mechanics don’t do anything.

Oh oh oh can I actually claim?

If you want.

I can’t, unless you want me to try to pick a random person and try to dig out demons that aren’t there…

pops up from table Did somebody say King Arthur?!

No sir

I am not pretending to be u

I’m watching you Kitten. Always watching.


I ate cookies to save you

D: I want my 15 mins of fame!

Seriously, saying you are confirmable is a good thing in massivly confimable game.

I’m confirmable for example and it’s okay to say so.

Debating a mass claim…

Can we vote the king?

I would never but just wondering

Aren’t ya King Arthur? :confused:

I though Poisoned is your imposter…

Well… voting the king will give the neutrals no more info… :thinking:

(says in a soft voice so king can’t hear) yes

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Hmmm, I did get this crown from Burger King.

I’m confirmable too :slight_smile:

Although that may be by suicide if I’m not contracted

I can’t protect ya if you visit the killer. :confused: