[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

The King has decided to decide the fate of Eevee. He has been LUNCHED. Flip will be coming soon. [color=#6D1D8C]

P.S this is 100% correct so cease posting.

Awww thats so salty

Not yet

Need to flip em

Eevee has been executed. He had no final words. His class is listed below.

Leondegrance :shield:

Camelotian Support
Knight of the Round Table (Passive) - Immune to occupation & is eligible to participate in meetings called by King Arthur.
Royalty (Passive) - You may step up before players without the Royalty passive.
Cup of Life (Day) - Target a player. They will be immune to attack for tonight. You may target yourself. If you target another player, they will not receive the notification.- 2 uses
Convoy (Night) - Target a player. If they were to receive a negative effect from a visit or a visitor, the effect will be redirected to you instead. They will not be notified of the redirection. - Infinite uses
Experienced Guard (Night) - Guard a player. All attacks on the player will be prevented. - Infinite uses
Goal: Eliminate all whom wish to destroy the Kingdom of Camelot.

The Timer will be posted shortly.

Timer! http://itsalmo.st/#daytwo_kmnsn

@Marluxion lock pls thx



This topic was automatically opened after 47 hours.

There were two deaths last night... King PoisonedSquid and Orangeandblack5. Their classes are listed below.

Guinevere :shield:

Camelotian Support
Queen’s Court (Passive) - Create a day chat with exclusive members. You will start as the only player in it. Immune to all Day Abilities other than Decide Fate.
Royalty (Passive) - You may step up before players without the Royalty passive.
Invitation (Day) - Add a player to your Queen’s Court day chat. They will be permanently added unless removed using Feudal Discussion - Infinite uses
Elusive Lock(Night) - Occupy all members of the Day Chat other than you. Bypasses occupation immunity. All players occupied from this ability will be protected from all negative effects including death. - 2 uses
Feudal Discussion (Night) - Remove a player from your Queen’s Court day chat.
Goal: Eliminate all whom wish to destroy the Kingdom of Camelot.

Log of Guinevere

what the fuck have I just witnessed

They put up a good fight… but the early night end wins 4ever

King Arthur :shield:

Camelotian Special
Perfect King (Passive) - Your votes will count as two. Additionally, every three days, a random Traitorous will be revealed privately to a random Neutral
Dedication (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Urgent Meeting (Day) - Call an urgent meeting for the Knights of the Round Table. All Players who are eligible will be able to participate in an anonymous night chat. - 2 uses
Decide Fate (Day) - Instantly lynch a player of your choice. If the player is a Camelotian or Neutral, you will lose your passives immediately and commit suicide publicly tommorow morning. - 1 use
Check Alliance (Night) - Force Target1 to check and see if Target2 is on their team. - 3 Uses Neutrals will appear as compatible no matter what. - Infinite uses
GOAL: Survive to see the execution of all whom wish destruction upon your Kingdom.

The Log of King Arthur

To my court, this is a will I was forced to write. I did not make the decision to execute Eevee, someone forced me to do such a shocking action. One Knight is still alive and he shall take my spot on the throne. That Knight of the Roundtable is Marl. I hope that he will be a King who does not get cursed by basted mechanics.

The Black Knight has arrived in the court. But wait, whats this? The Knight-Errant has also arrived! Both of them are unable to be targetted by abilities so act wisely!

@CheesyKnives is the Black Knight. @PoisonedSquid is the Knight-Errant.

You can now start posting

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The night timer is still running


And the game is open :wink:

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And whose fault is that

You just said cheese was the black knight

The title of the thread even still says “[Night 1]”

So is the black knight bad?


So how do we win?

U dunt :wink:

Alright, I shall explain what just happened and what info I have

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