[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

What do you mean they aren’t the same faction?

Wtf is going on?


Save us all!

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that’s fine, we can hang pug after I become king

I think the king election has to happen first

Cleanse Squid of Demons tonight. He probably has one that forced him to RNG his day ability

Hour till King Election ends

Marl holds onto a DevilsBane.
May he find peace and ever lastingness.

Alright then
/vote Marl

Wait… Did anyone besides me even step up with Royal Blood?

Like I said, those two new classes cant be targetted by abilities

That’s not how royal blood elections work

No one steps up


Not yet

I don’t think it works when there is only one canditate…

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Only one atm but who knows there might be a 2nd royal blood


Can I bargain with the host to have occupy immunity that can’t be bypassed by the cookies?

PoisonedSquid will be curse with bastard mechanical forever :sob:

I see there were 2 deaths.
I wonder what happened.
Didn’t this say there’d be bastard mechanics?
Probably one which forced an execute…
That’s weird

Htm prayed to Rngeus.

Rngeus did not like his offering.

I’m like 95% positive squid has a demon that will force him to use abilities
It’s the only thing that makes sense

i think there is 2 Traitor alive right now… i might be wrong thought