[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

I didn’t mean now, I meant in general.

I can’t be targeted by anyone, so I think I’m convert immune, it doesn’t directly say.

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I don’t want to get backstabbed by him if he’s converted though

@CheesyKnives Are you good or evil?

Well i would like to focus on other thing…

@CheesyKnives Hey buddy are you here? We need to know who are you exacly.

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If he was evil then why would be revealed to court? :thinking:

I have feeling he’s neutral and both Knight-Errand and Black Knight aren’t included in this rolelist.

The Black Knight made Psycho bleed

i don’t want to reveal too much info because NK and Traitor will tryhard to kill me

Reveal a lot

Pug is most likely the traitor, so don’t worry about it

Night and boss confirmed not neutral

Was looking at my phone playing Fire Emblem… XD
(I can target DEAD players btw.)

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Purging the corpses?
Sure why not…

my good boy botanist heal me tonight!, as i shall reveal that one of secret class has ability name “The Sacrifice”

I think that can be a day vig tbh


I am honestly confused, but imma just do my thing as usual. Making someone confess their demons out. Please don’t tell me the demons move about as well…
(Pretty sure they do though. Rip.)

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I checked someone and am very scared right now.

Tw1light best be careful… Apparently there’s 2 demons in you right now.

In me? Well… that’s akward…