[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

Who are they?

Like I’d tell you. :wink: Revel in your ignorance, Jester.

I can reveal Pug tomorrow if you guys want, or we can lynch them today

Today would be lovely

I already revealed someone today

NK is still here as well, so even if the traitors die, the NK would still try to kill people

Save you guys some effort - Pug can’t be lynched. You have to night kill him.


Also the reveal thingie is a night ability so I cant change targets during the day

Lynch Pug today then

Wait, nevermind, he’s immune to poison and death too :thinking:

So how is this fair at all?

That was a joke
Morgana can be lynched
I was just trying to bait you into thinking pug was actually morgana lul

So they aren’t

It’s not lol. Life is also unfair. :wink:

are they immune to lynch? If not… /lynch pug

Some small spoiler; Our Day 1 convert has a passive that makes everyone appear as a traitor to checks. Their only day ability is one that forces the king to decide fate execute lmao

Did you just give it away Htm is a tratior?

Might as well even the playing field a bit for my playthings

Either way, Pug is a Neutral or traitor, most likely Traitor