[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

Like I said, I’ll revive two Townies

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/vote 10

Pls vote me to become a neutral that can kill scum :3

I mean, I can revive one of them as well. But Im pretty sure the reviving abilities have bastard mechanics attached that may make it not worth it


We should all vote 12. They can tell us the other Traitors.

/Vote 12

I’ll be willing to bet that whoever is revived will be instantly converted to the traitors or something like that

Yours might, but mine may not be

Dead Traitors are good Traitors. I’m still voting 4

Who bets that this entire wish granting thing is a hoax?

I think im going to /vote 11. If there is even the minimal chance that we could get rid of bastard mechanics then I think I’ll take the risk.

Well I would like to at least try

At 20 wishes, no more will be put on the list

When will voting time end?

5 mins my d00d

Well, I would like to take risks no matter what, 4 is the best option.

/Vote 4




Best option :wink:

/Vote 17

All 20 are filled my d00ds