Canned cans it got canned

Light you need to join or you get banned


Welcome, you’re new? Wanna join?

Well fak

Im banned

Sorry mate, got stuff to do after school

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Dang it.

good try

Welcome to the forum!

Be careful about isaac and Hjasik, you might not like them immediately :stuck_out_tongue:

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whoa whoa whoa

Ignore them, we have noob majority!

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Continuing the discussion from Turbo Christis vs Blue Dragon (8/?):

how is he banned excuse me wat

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wait i didnt mean to linkt hat

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just a memey post

Hes not a mod lol

idk what im doing assistance pls

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Does this include ALL feedback? Or…?

None of us actually know what we are doing

How dare you not call me a mod

I’m just a peasant but I …
One day I’ll be a Aristocrat

cough what

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She knows that noone of us knows.

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Hja and isaac are like exotic cheese

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mom please teach me how to do this