Follow Global Forum Rules
How To Enter
Send katze and I a private message via the forums or discord containing a picture of your cat, your cat’s name, and a brief description of your cat.
How To Play
1: Send me cat.
2: Get placed in cat bracket.
3: Compete against other kitties in cat bracket.
4: Profit (free cat pics).
Each “phase” will last 24 hours, in which anyone can vote on which cats advance in the bracket. After each 24 hours, the bracket will be updated based on votes, cats will be YEETED from the competition, and another phase will begin until there is A SINGLE CAT STANDING. (the best cat)
Q: Can I submit a cat I don’t actually own?
A: As long as it has a name and you have a picture of it (and you are willing to sacrifice it to the battle royale.) (Must have met cat in person)
Q: Can I vote even if I’m not in the game?
A: Yes
Q: What kind of picture should I send?
A: Any works
Q: Can I vote for my own cat?
A: Sure.
Q: Can people in the competition vote and people who have been eliminated vote?
A: Sure.
Q: This isn’t dangerous right?
Q: Can I submit more than 1 cat?
A: You may submit a maximum of 2 cats.
Q: Can I submit my cat that’s totally not my dog?
A: Hm. Sure. (May the bracket be in your favor)
Q: if i drive down to florida and get a picture of katze can i submit it
A: Yes
Q: can it be 2 pics of same cat
A: if they have different names
Cat Champion Forum Title (1 Month)