Catgirl Angel Dayless Discussion Thread

Everyone talks about Dayless like it’s a meme. Well, that ends today. Note that this is not a signup thread.

1x Angel
3x Town Neighbor/izers
3x Town Vanilla
1x Mafia Neighbor/izer
1x Mafia Goon

Town Neighbor/izer

You share a neighborhood with all other Neighbor/izers. Each night, everyone in the neighborhood may come to a consensus on who else gets to be a Neighbor/izer of their respective alignment. They gain that card immediately upon agreement.

A gun is given to one random person with this card. Only they know that they have a gun. Once they die, the gun is moved to another person with this card. Once everyone with this card dies, any vanilla Town in the neighborhood is given the gun. They can use this gun to shoot anyone else in the neighborhood. This can cause their target to flip as either “died” or “shot” (if an Angel dies from the shot due to the compulsive bodyguarding, it will always show as “died”), by choice of the gunbearer.

You win if the neighborhood has no Mafia in it.

Vanilla Town

You cannot do anything until you receive the Town Neighbor/izer card.

You win if the neighborhood has no Mafia in it.

Mafia Neighbor/izer

You share a neighborhood with all other Neighbor/izers. Each night, everyone in the neighborhood may come to a consensus on who else gets to be a Neighbor/izer of their respective alignment.

You share a night chat with your teammate. Each night, you may come to a consensus on who to kill. You may pick anyone.

You win if the neighborhood has no Town in it.

Mafia Goon

You are not in the neighborhood until you are given the Mafia Neighbor/izer card, but you share a night chat with your teammate. Each night, you may come to a consensus on who to kill. You may pick anyone.

You win if the neighborhood has no Town in it.


You are not in the neighborhood until you are given the Angel Neighbor/izer card (just pretend it exists).

You are randomly assigned to protect one random person. You have a night chat with that person. If your contract is to die, you will die instead.

You win if your contract survives to the end of the game.

I probably made a game-breaking mistake somewhere. Sorry.

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Pigeon what

No this setup is based

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Neighbors ok ok

Hey pigeon

Does angel only target town

i didn’t know there was gonna be neighbors so I thought pigeon was making a legit dayless game with no way to communicate

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How dare I

It’s rng decided right?


Should’ve done gameless





moving on

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Also what’s the point of having a 3rd party in game

Just want to know

To continue the spirit of Jester Nightless

Well it’s a bg

Survivor Compulsive Bodyguard

Or neutral one