Catgirl Angel Dayless Discussion Thread

I’m sorry, Wind :frowning:

Honestly we should’ve just gone for executionless game
No executes
Only mafia has kills

Town wins by
Mafia wins by reaching parity

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Or maybe no executes by day but every townie is a vig who can kill once during the day.

I think you’re missing the joke

that sounds like wild west except even more scumsided

what about
Catgirlless Angelless Jesterless Dayless Nightless

Catgirl roleless

its just 9 people who you DM pictures of catgirls once


Wild West had yeets during the day.

can i host this

put it on the queue and wait your 15 months like everyone else

i don’t have to wait 15 months im special

i am gay


Oh god I just realised you have cat ears.