Catgirl Bomb Nightless: Burnt Tail - Day 2 (4/12) Town win 😳

for those who somehow could not tell I am marshal / marissa / best fol player (all names you may recognize me by)

i heavily advocated for mine blowing up wolf before market blew them up and they essentially went “lol nope”

nah it was just a matter of actually looking at clone tbh

that’s so unfortunate

okay that makes way more sense


(that one was outed in spec chat and he gave permission)

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rip pkr

no way

poor pkr im so sorry
i literally just saw the detonate and went “haha /detonate go brrr”
did not plan that out for shit

im dying

The first three detonations really looked 1:1 like Short Fuse 5. Two meme detonations and one kinda justifiable but not really.

which is ironic how much you guys used that against me

I didn’t though!

nah minecat was fully planne out and PoE’d

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thread was slow af and I wanted it to be faster

the first two tho

like wtfuckze



Bell cat was marshal???


says you

I guess I really have no leg to stand on cuz i trivia’d a guy

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