Catgirl Bomb Nightless: Burnt Tail - Day 2 (4/12) Town win 😳

The mafia has conceded the game.

Clonecat was…

Mafia Doggirl


Mafia Goon

Ever since your defeat at the hands of those pesky catgirls, you’ve been planning your revenge, and now you’ve finally discovered a way.
At any point during the day, you may choose to kill the player seated in front of you by submitting /detonate in thread. You must wait 24 hours before doing this again.

You win when you reach parity with the catgirls.

Nyarchmage was…

Town Catgirl


Vanilla Town

After defeating the doggirls, you have finally established yourself as the superior domesticated animalistic humans.
But now, they’ve finally moved to take their revenge, and they’ve planted bombs to back theirselves up, too!
Fortunately, you’ve all devised a great plan to defeat them. Planting even more bombs!
At any point during the day, you may choose to kill the player seated in front of you by submitting /detonate in thread. You must wait 24 hours before doing this again.

You win when you defeat the doggirls.

HissingTimebomb was…

Town Catgirl


Vanilla Town

After defeating the doggirls, you have finally established yourself as the superior domesticated animalistic humans.
But now, they’ve finally moved to take their revenge, and they’ve planted bombs to back theirselves up, too!
Fortunately, you’ve all devised a great plan to defeat them. Planting even more bombs!
At any point during the day, you may choose to kill the player seated in front of you by submitting /detonate in thread. You must wait 24 hours before doing this again.

You win when you defeat the doggirls.

Bellcat was…

Town Catgirl


Vanilla Town

After defeating the doggirls, you have finally established yourself as the superior domesticated animalistic humans.
But now, they’ve finally moved to take their revenge, and they’ve planted bombs to back theirselves up, too!
Fortunately, you’ve all devised a great plan to defeat them. Planting even more bombs!
At any point during the day, you may choose to kill the player seated in front of you by submitting /detonate in thread. You must wait 24 hours before doing this again.

You win when you defeat the doggirls.

UltimateCatgirl was…

Town Catgirl


Vanilla Town

After defeating the doggirls, you have finally established yourself as the superior domesticated animalistic humans.
But now, they’ve finally moved to take their revenge, and they’ve planted bombs to back theirselves up, too!
Fortunately, you’ve all devised a great plan to defeat them. Planting even more bombs!
At any point during the day, you may choose to kill the player seated in front of you by submitting /detonate in thread. You must wait 24 hours before doing this again.

You win when you defeat the doggirls.

Town wins!

I’m gonna try something different for this, since usually anon-games postgame turn into a bunch of alt ownership discussion and someone ends up making a list like this anyway.

Poll results are staff only, so you can vote on your main accounts if you’d like, but preferably vote on the accounts provided to you for this game!

@GamerCatgirl - sulit
@Nyarchmage - wishes to remain anonymous orangeandblack5
@Nerdcat - min
@HissingTimebomb - wishes to remain anonymous Nightingale
@MarketableCatgirl - Blitz
@Minecat - wishes to remain anonymous
@Wolfcat - EliThePsycho
@Bellcat - Marshal
@CellCat - ArcticXI
@CloneCat - Aelin
@Catmugger - PokemonKidRyan
@UltimateCatgirl - GGhana

  • Please add my name to the above list!
  • I would like to remain anyanymous

0 voters

For transparency sake, the list would be edited to look like either:

  • @katze - Chloe (in this case, the alt “katze” was controlled by user “Chloe”)
  • @katze - wishes to remain anonymous

I’m aware some of you have already said who you are in dead chat, I’ll probably edit those in later as well.


actually just

if you know

don’t say it

lol i fucked up the poll

lol shortfuse

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I’m chloe

did I win


I already told spec chat

(ftr I don’t have TMI, it was just really obvious)

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Ultimate confused me
just because of “arse” so I figured one of kyo/wazza/vulgard

Holy shit. For the first half I really thought this would be Short Fuse 5 all over again but town really pulled it back around.

And to think the town who loldetonated a villager in their first post was the one who ended up contributing to the solve the most. What the fuck.

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that does make sense I suppose but WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT SHOT

how did you all manage to do both better and worse than short fuse 5 at the same time


come on Vul

did you think I’d let you down?

i actually thought you were marl

fuck offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

shows how bad i am at this

I just want my post count to be 69

Carry on

jesus chloe I cannot believe you actually did that

I wish to absolutely screech at my teammates
but i shall not

unironically it entirely locked you clear and more or less fully solved the game from my perspective

I stand by it

game may have gone a lot diff without it

wait who the fuck was catmugger